Price: Php8000.00
Deck List
Tapu Lele GX (2x)

Zoroark GX (4x)

Zoroark (1x)

Zorua (4x)

Lycanroc GX (3x)

Lycanroc (1x)

Rockruff (4x)

Bridgette FA (3x)

Mallow FA (1x)

N (4x)

Professor Kukui (2x)

Guzma (2x)

Acerola (2x)

Professor Sycamore (2x)

Ultra Ball (4x)

Puzzle of Time (4x)

Field Blower (2x)

Choice Band (2x)

Rescue Stretcher (1x)

Float Stone (1x)

Special Charge (1x)

Double Colorless Energy (4x)

Special Energy (3x)

Fighting Energy (3x)

Price: Php8000.00
Total: 60 cards
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