Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) | Recruitment and Hiring Practices

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Recruitment and hiring practices play a crucial role in shaping the composition of an organization’s workforce. However, traditional recruitment methods often suffer from biases that can result in the exclusion of diverse talent and hinder overall workplace diversity and equity. To address these challenges, many organizations have begun to implement blind recruitment practices as a means of eliminating bias and fostering a more diverse and inclusive work environment. This approach involves concealing certain personal information, such as the candidate’s name, gender, race, and age, during the initial stages of the hiring process.

Guide Questions

In your small group, discuss the challenges and benefits of implementing blind recruitment practices to eliminate bias in hiring.

How can governments and public organizations attract a more diverse pool of candidates while ensuring fair and equitable selection processes?

To download the answers thru presentation

Go to this link: https://ljlambino.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Recruitment-and-Hiring-Practices.pptx

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