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Communication and Stakeholders Management | Crisis Management

Communication and Stakeholders Management


  1. Internal communication within the organization 
  1. External communication with stakeholders, media and the public 

What is communication?   

Communication is the process of exchanging information and meaning between two or more people. It can be verbal, nonverbal, or written. 

Verbal communication involves using words to exchange information. It can be face-to-face, over the phone, or in writing. 

Nonverbal communication involves using body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues to exchange information. It can be used to reinforce or contradict verbal communication. 

Written communication involves using words to exchange information in a written form. It can be handwritten or typed. 

Communication can also be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous communication is when the sender and receiver communicate at the same time, such as in a face-to-face conversation. Asynchronous communication is when the sender and receiver communicate at different times, such as in an email exchange. 

What is stakeholders? 

A stakeholder is any individual or group that has an interest in or is affected by an organization or its activities. Stakeholders can be internal or external to the organization. 

Internal stakeholders include employees, shareholders, and board members. External stakeholders include customers, suppliers, creditors, the government, and the community. 

Stakeholders can have a positive or negative impact on an organization. For example, customers can generate revenue for an organization, while suppliers can provide it with the resources it needs to operate. Employees can contribute to the organization’s success, while shareholders can provide it with capital. 

It is important for organizations to identify and manage their stakeholders effectively. This means understanding their needs and interests, and communicating with them regularly. By doing so, organizations can build trust and goodwill with their stakeholders, which can lead to improved performance and long-term success. 

Here are some examples of stakeholders: 

Internal stakeholders: 

External stakeholders: 

Internal Communication within an Organization 

The role of internal communication within the organization during crisis or disaster is to keep employees informed and engaged, and to minimize the negative impact of the crisis on the organization. 

Internal communication during a crisis can take many forms, including: 

It is important to use a variety of communication channels to reach all employees, and to tailor the messages to the specific needs of different groups of employees. 

Example of a disaster happened in Manila where in the internal communication in an organization was utilized: 

Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) 

Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) was a powerful typhoon that struck Manila, Philippines on September 26, 2009. It was the deadliest typhoon to hit the Philippines in over 40 years, with over 460 people killed. 

The typhoon caused widespread flooding and damage to infrastructure. Many people were left stranded on rooftops and in trees, waiting to be rescued. 

One example of how internal communication was used effectively during Typhoon Ondoy is the case of the Ayala Corporation. 

The Ayala Corporation is one of the largest conglomerates in the Philippines. It has a wide range of businesses, including telecommunications, property development, and banking. 

During Typhoon Ondoy, the Ayala Corporation used its internal communication systems to keep employees informed of the situation and to coordinate relief efforts. 

Thanks to its effective internal communication system, the Ayala Corporation was able to keep its employees safe during Typhoon Ondoy and to coordinate relief efforts effectively. 

Another example of how internal communication was used effectively during Typhoon Ondoy is the case of the Philippine Red Cross. 

The Philippine Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides relief and assistance to people affected by disasters. 

During Typhoon Ondoy, the Philippine Red Cross used its internal communication systems to coordinate its relief efforts. 

Thanks to its effective internal communication system, the Philippine Red Cross was able to coordinate its relief efforts effectively and to help thousands of people affected by Typhoon Ondoy. 

Key roles of internal communication during a crisis: 

Tips for effective internal communication during a crisis: 

External Communication with Stakeholders, Media and the Public 

External communication plays a critical role in the response to an incident or crisis. It is essential to keep stakeholders, the media, and the public informed of the situation in a timely, accurate, and transparent manner. This helps to build trust and credibility, mitigate rumors and speculation, and minimize the negative impact of the event. 

Key objectives of external communication in response to an incident or crisis: 

Example of Incident or Crisis 

One example of an incident or crisis in the Philippines wherein the external communication with stakeholders, media and the public is utilized is the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health crisis that has had a significant impact on the Philippines. The Philippine government has implemented a number of measures to address the pandemic, including lockdowns, travel restrictions, and mask mandates. 

The government has also used external communication to keep stakeholders, the media, and the public informed of the situation and to promote compliance with the public health measures. This has been done through a variety of channels, including the government’s website, social media, and press releases. 

The government has also held regular press briefings to provide updates on the pandemic and to answer questions from the media. The government has also worked with the media to develop and disseminate public service announcements about the pandemic. 

In addition, the government has established a hotline for people to ask questions about the pandemic and to report suspected cases. The government has also launched a number of websites and social media pages to provide information about the pandemic and to connect people with resources. 

The government’s external communication efforts have been effective in keeping stakeholders, the media, and the public informed of the situation and in promoting compliance with the public health measures. This has helped to reduce the spread of the virus and to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the Philippines. 

Here are some specific examples of how the Philippine government has used external communication to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic: 

In 1992, Pepsi Cola Products Philippines (PCPPI) launched a marketing campaign called “Pepsi Number Fever.” The promotion offered a chance to win one million pesos to the person whose cap number matched the last three digits of the Philippine Stock Exchange index on a specific date. 

The promotion was a huge success, with millions of people participating. However, on the day of the drawing, five people were killed in a stampede at a PepsiCo distribution center where people were trying to claim their prizes. The stampede was caused by rumors that PepsiCo was going to run out of money and would not be able to pay the winners. 

Pepsi Number Fever – Communication and Stakeholder Management

PCPPI handled external communication within stakeholders, media, and the public about the 349 incident in a number of ways, including: 

PCPPI also used social media to communicate with stakeholders, media, and the public about the 349 incident. However, social media was not as widely used in 1992 as it is today. 

Here are some specific actions that PCPPI took to handle external communication within stakeholders, media, and the public about the 349 incident: 

PCPPI’s handling of external communication during the 349 incident was generally considered to be effective. The company was transparent and honest with the public, and it took steps to address the concerns of its stakeholders. PCPPI’s public awareness campaign was also effective in raising awareness of the importance of safety and responsible marketing practices. 

However, some people criticized PCPPI’s handling of the incident, arguing that the company should have done more to support the families of the victims and that it should have taken steps to prevent the incident from happening in the first place. 

Skills and Experience (Recommended) for Communications Team 

Recommended Specific Roles Needed on a Communication Team 

The specific roles and responsibilities of the crisis communications team will vary depending on the size and nature of the organization. However, all members of the team should have the skills and experience necessary to communicate effectively during a crisis. 

Specific trainings recommended for the members of communications team responding to a disaster or crisis: 

Crisis communications training: This type of training will teach the team how to develop and implement a crisis communications plan, as well as how to respond to a crisis in real time. The training should cover topics such as: 

Media relations training: This type of training will teach the team how to build and maintain relationships with journalists, as well as how to manage the media’s coverage of a crisis. The training should cover topics such as: 

Social media training: This type of training will teach the team how to use social media to communicate with the public during a crisis. The training should cover topics such as: 

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