Purple Kaido Ramp Deck Outraces Law Red-Green Deck | One Piece Card Game | OPTCG Sim 1.13b

Kaido vs. Law

Nothing beats in playing OPTCG Sim v1.13b. Using this simulator really helps you to test your deck ideas before doing it physically. Video below is my testing battle using Kaido Purple Deck against the swarm of Law Red-Green Deck. Watch how I beat these persistent opponent and force the player to RAGE QUIT.

Kaido Purple vs. Law RG

If you are curious about my deck list, feel free to send private message to my FB page.

Please do not forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel.

Special thanks to Batsu Games for developing the OPTCG v1.13a.

If you would like to support the project or the costs of hosting the servers (absolutely never required and gives you no special benefits), you can become a patreon at https://www.patreon.com/BatsuApps/ or send money directly through paypal at batsu.apps@gmail.com.

OPTCG Sim application is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android devices. For IOS devices, stay tuned for the announcement. Refer to this link if you want to download the app.

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