Important: There is already version 1.14d. Click here to go to download page.
One Piece Trading Card Game (OPTCG) Sim Application 1.14a is now available. This version contains massive updates of cards and bug fixes from the previous one. Thanks to Batsu Games for their relentless effort in providing this one of a kind simulator for OPTCG players.

Notable Updates 1.14a
- Relaxing Background Music, with option to mute or lower the volume
- Table wood background image for user interface
- Android Update: Pixel 7 users can now be accommodated (yipee!)
- Fixed known bugs from 1.13b version (example: Marco’s effect not triggered when destroyed by Kaido 10)
- Multiplayer Mode: The player has the control if he/she wants to play with OP01 only cards only, or any other combination of sets.
- Gold Don!
- New Roronoa Zorro Alternate Art
- New ST Queen Alternate Art
- New Jewelry Bonney Alternate Art
- Improved Inuarashi Alternate Art
- Improved Izou Alternate Art
- Improved Nekomamushi Alternate Art
- Improved Black Maria Alternate Art
- Nico Robin Straw Hat Crew Card Sleeves (Back Design)

Known Issues
- 8 Cost Kid cannot use its ability without a valid hand target
- ‘On Attack’ actions with choices are skipping the opponent’s Block Step (Doffy, Jack, etc)
- Doflamingo Leader ability has several issues (cancel doesn’t use Don, doesn’t deploy properly onto a full board)
- Actions that attach ‘up to 2’ rested don no longer give an option to attach 1 or 0
- Multiple ‘End of Turn’ effects in a row can get into a stuck state (ie Ivankov + Mr3)
Not a Bug but might be confusing in the UI
- Set Selection/Filtering only affects the Host’s Lobby, it does nothing if you choose sets and then go and join someone else’s lobby

The new version is available in Windows, Linux, Mac and Android. Applications are compressed in ZIP files so make sure you have the software WinZip or WinRar installed in your computer. If you have any comments, suggestions, bugs encountered etc. please follow my FB page and subscribe to my Youtube channel to get more updates, video gameplays of OPTCG sim, and message me so that I can answer your concerns right away. For Linux and Mac users, be aware that the alternate card versions for your system is not available. Check out the links below to download.
Windows – OPTCG SIM 1.14a
Linux- OPTCG SIM 1.14a
Mac – OPTCG SIM 1.14a
Android – OPTCG SIM 1.14a (Uninstall or delete the previous version, make sure of it!)

To show gratitude for Batsu’s amazing team, I list down the links where you can give back, show support or if you have a small amount to spare. Check out the links below.
Patreon –
Paypal –