Celebrate the latest strides in our gaming world with the comprehensive overview of recent updates. From the introduction of exciting new cards to the implementation of convenient features and crucial bug fixes, this summary encapsulates the evolution of our gaming experience.

- Western format has been revised to OP06 + ST13.
- Eastern format has been revised to OP07 + ST13.
New card additions:
- The entire OP07 set has been included.
- Additionally, 9 cards from the upcoming OP08 set, including all Leaders, are now available for early preview.
- 7 cards from the forthcoming ST14 set have been added as early previews.
New features:
- A new option called “Hide Player Names” has been introduced.
- All modifications to card power should now be consistently displayed, such as Zoro leader passive abilities and field debuffs.
- Disconnects will now be handled similarly to concessions, revealing life, hand, and deck information.
- A button to launch OPBounty has been added to lobby screens, allowing quicker access to ranked games.
Bug fixes:
- EB01 Inazuma will now consistently queue up at the End of Turn rather than auto-resolving.
- ST12 Parrage Shot will now properly conceal the revealed card after returning it to the deck.
- OP06 Zephyr’s Negate effect will now conclude after the user’s turn instead of lasting until the user’s turn begins again.
- EB01 Spandine should now function correctly.
- OP02 Kuzan and OP03 Brannew should now allow players to choose the activation order when deployed simultaneously (e.g., Moria).
- OP06 Reiju Leader’s activation should now function properly if the Don Minus effect forces an opponent reaction (e.g., Magellan).
- OP05 Shirahoshi will no longer cause issues if the opponent has exactly 6 cards.
- ST13 Sabo, Ace, and Luffy now buff until the opponent’s next turn end instead of the owner’s next turn start.
- OP06 Oars can no longer KO immune allies.
- HitLeader effects will now properly affect LY Luffy Leader with Face-Up Life.
- Double Attacks will no longer incorrectly eliminate 1 Life from LY Luffy Leader with Face-Up Life.
- OP05 Enel Leader should now function properly with V3 Triggers.
- OP06 Thriller Bark Stage now includes an action description.
- OP06 Hitokiri Kamazo and ST10 Killer now function properly with OP08 King Leader.
- Deploying OP06 Perona with an Attack Action (e.g., Moria) and then forcing the Trash Card action will no longer disrupt certain game states.
- Deploying Perona and Brannew simultaneously and then forcing the Trash Card action before Brannew search should no longer disrupt certain game states.
- Multiple Rosinante Blockers should no longer cause game disruptions.
- EB01-060 I Am God now has its trigger effect properly implemented.
Download links:
Windows – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cqMo09PiILuVhJ0APSYVuIaIas1raSiO
Android – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DTzs0ZHpNe_QxrwfhmcYLhL98xn4915U
Android 32 – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D3gjE6w6g7FHyMsSZ4QVeFIA2im9E1Iv
Linux – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pfhM2N1BChaMFFYiYZBJtGrhtYf1Z2YM
Mac – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D2lZH3D95nXWI-OV8uJJBX2f9Hfrt0UR
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