Another kaching-kaching day for me in the land of Midgard.
Today I sold an eleven-thousand-five-hundred pesos (Php 11,500.00) worth equivalent of two-billion-seven-hundred-million zeny.
And to add cream on the top, I also got a Gold Helm which is very rare in this game.

To process this kind of transaction, we underwent through “Ghost Trade” or GT. The buyer of my zeny placed the item to Exchange, the in-trade mechanism of the game, and me as a seller purchased the placed item from Exchange so that the buyer gets my zeny and seller gets the item plus the agreed value in cash. Kaching-Kaching.

As long as there’s unwanted and expensive item existing in this game, GT will never go away.
You may follow me in my Facebook page, LJGaming.
Thank you guys for reading.